
While I sit here..

While I sit here eating bagels with cream cheese and drinking coffee too fast, it is 6.30pm somewhere in the world. Someone, somewhere is playing hip-hop loudly while getting dressed for a third date. Someone is tumbling out of bed with a crick in their neck and promising to restart…

Chennai Calling..

A guest post by my sister, on coming home.. Coming back to this city always delights me. I revel in the familiarity that home brings; the comfort of amma’s food, the constant churn of people in the house, the amazing ability to imbibe copious amounts of cardamom laced tea. Even…

Life is..

I make plans, dream little dreams, dream bigger ones. Think of how I’ll be when I finally grow up.. Of all the things I want to do, places I want to see, people I want to be. But life? Life doesn’t care so much about the five year plans and…

Ten Years Ago

I did not own a mobile phone. This was probably a good thing, since mobile phones were the size of a ham radio – not including the extendable antenna The computer I used had a CRT monitor, as did my television There was no Facebook There was also no broadband….

7 1/2 Things you probably don’t know about me for sure..

1. I don’t get a daily newspaper. I’m sadly out of touch with the real world except for my hour at the gym where I watch the “Alert” headlines on a 24X7 News channel. And we all know how perfectly useless those are. 2. I don’t get sleazy jokes in…

This is not the First Random post (or the Last)

The good is rightly thought to be that at which all things aim. That was Aristotle by the way, not me. But if I asked you what you were aiming at, what would you say? Happiness? Identity? What defines happiness? What defines you? Or are they answers to the same…